Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fruit Salad

from Becky Whitaker

32 oz Strawberry Yogurt
small box Instant Vanilla Pudding
8 oz Cool Whip
2 bags of frozen berries

Place a quart of Strawberry yogurt into the bowl.

Open box of instant vanilla pudding. Ignore factory directions and place entire contents in bowl and mix with yogurt.

Then comes the tricky part. Take an entire regular tub of Cool Whip and plop it into the bowl and FOLD it into the mixture. Don't simply mix it in.

Then take 2 bags of frozen berries and mix them into the goodness. If you have a normal size mouth I recommend chopping the larger berries into smaller pieces.

Cover bowl with plastic wrap and place in the fridge until ready to eat. I recommend letting the fruit thaw a little bit before eating.

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