Thursday, May 24, 2012

Almond Joy Truffles

Old Fashioned Martha Washington Candy
©From the Kitchen of Deep South Dish

1 (14 ounce) sweetened flaked coconut
1 (14 ounce) can of sweetened condensed milk
2 heaping cups of powdered sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) of unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1-1/2 cups of chopped pecans or walnuts
Dipping Chocolate (below)

Combine everything but the dipping chocolate and mix well. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Roll into balls about the size of a large marble and place onto parchment or wax paper lined baking sheets. Place into fridge while you melt the chocolate. Working in batches of about a dozen at a time, leave  remaining balls in the refrigerator, quickly drop the balls, one at a time, into the melted chocolate and toss with a fork. Lift out, letting excess chocolate drain off, and scraping bottom of fork across bowl rim before transferring back to the wax or parchment paper to set. Makes about 6 to 7 dozen, depending on how large you roll them.

Dipping Chocolate: I prefer using a the double boiler method (or an old crockpot) for melting chocolate for dipping, because it keeps the chocolate more thin and pliable and easier to work with than microwaved chocolate. Use 1 (1 pound 8 ounce) package of chocolate flavored almond bark or 1 (12 ounce) package of semi-sweet chocolate chips plus 2 tablespoons of vegetable shortening (like Crisco).

Old School: Combine 2/3 cup of grated cooking paraffin (like Gulf wax) with one (12 ounce) package of semi-sweet chocolate chips, instead of the candy bark. The paraffin gives them the old, classic shine. You can usually find boxes of paraffin near the canning supplies or order it online at Amazon.

Tip: A melon ball tool is helpful for shaping these. Use a plastic fork and break out the two middle tines to dip the balls. Do NOT substitute margarine for the butter. Mixture should be stiff when it is time to roll the balls. If it is too gooey, add additional powdered sugar to the mixture.

Variations: Instead of nuts, try substituting chopped raisins, dates, dried plums or other chopped dried fruit. Decorate the tops with a drizzle of melted white chocolate or white almond bark.

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