Wednesday, May 30, 2012

No Egg Chocolate Chip Cookies

from Julie Tebbs

2 3/4 C flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt (I always skip because I use salted butter)
3/4 C butter (real butter works much better than marg)
3/4 C sugar
3/4 C brown sugar, packed
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp unflavored gelatin powder
1 bag choc chips (we use milk choc)
nuts (optional, my kids don't like)

Preheat oven to 350. 

Make eggs:  Put 1/3 cup tap water in small bowl.  Add 2 tsp unflavored gelatin (it comes in a box of little packets, but you have to measure because the packets vary in how much they have).  Let gelatin soften (a couple of minutes).  Add 1/3 cup boiling water.  Stir until gelatin is dissolved (mixture is no longer cloudy).  Put in fridge until no longer hot to the touch, a little bit thickened, but not solid.  If it stiffens up you have to nuke it and wait for it to cool down again.  (You can substitute this mixture in some baking recipes, it is essentially 2 eggs, but I have used this in recipes that call for 3 eggs too.  It doesn't work in cake mixtures from a box, but it works in cake from scratch.  It also works in our sugar cookie recipe.  But you do have mix on high for a while as described below.)

Mix dry ingredients together, flour, soda and salt (optional).  Set aside.

Put butter and sugars in mixing bowl and beat until creamy and lightened in color.  Add vanilla and mix.  Add gelatin mixture.  Beat slowly until it no longer splashes all over, then beat on high for about 2 minutes, scraping sides occasionally, until thick and cake batter texture. 

Add dry ingredients.  Mix until incorporated.  Mixture should be very stiff, sometimes I have to add another 1/4 cup flour.  Add choc chips and nuts, mix. 

Drop onto ungreased baking sheets.  Bake 8 minutes until just a little brown on the bottom and still very soft on top.  Move to rack to cool.

I think it usually makes about 3 doz of the size we made.

Good luck with it!  You'll have to experiment with the cooking time, it's a little temperamental.

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