Thursday, May 31, 2012

French Bread

from Jolynn Watson

2 ½ cups very hot tap water
2 T. sugar
1 T. salt
2 T. cooking oil
3 cups bread flour, and 3 cups more flour
2 T. yeast

Add hot tap water, stir in sugar, salt, oil, 3 cups flour and yeast.  Mix together vigorously for a few minutes.  Add remaining flour until all dough is completely mixed.  (Will be VERY sticky at this point).  Let dough rise 30 minutes, stirring down a couple of times.  Turn dough onto floured countertop.  Coat dough with flour so it can be handled.  Divide dough in half.  Roll out thin and roll up like jellyroll.  Pinch edges together to seal.

Place on cookie sheet.  Rise 30 minutes.

Bake at 375 for approximately 20 minutes.  Until light golden brown

Sprinkle cookie sheet with corn meal, so you get that French bread feel.
Cut three gashes on top with a knife.
Brush surface with a beaten egg (will make it crispy and dark like French bread)

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