Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Caramel Corn - Turley Style. :)

This recipe is a family favorite.  Yum.  My mouth waters just thinking about it.  :)   And if you want to add something to it, take a candy bar like heath candy bars, crunch them up, and throw them in, too.   The chocolate and toffee are nice additions.

3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup (clear)
1/4 cup water
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 lb margarine

Cook to a soft ball.  (If you don't have a candy thermometer - put a small bit of it into a dish of ice water. If you can form it into a soft ball, then it's ready).  Add 1/4 tsp soda - stir good.  Pour over dish pan full of popcorn.

I spread this out on wax paper until the caramel cools and then I bag it and tag it.  Otherwise you have one big popcorn ball.

Remember to sift your popcorn beforehand to get all the unpopped kernels out. Nothing ruins caramel corn like biting into a kernel.  lol

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