Thursday, May 31, 2012

Puff Pastry Cherry Blossoms

They are simple, and fantastic!   Much easier than I would have imagined.

1 box Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry (17 Ounce Box)
1 can Cherry Pie Filling, 21 Ounce Can  (You can use any pie filling you want)
1 whole Egg Beaten
3 Tablespoons Turbinado (RAW) Sugar
1 cup Confectioner's Sugar
1-½ Tablespoon Milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Cut your sheets of puff pastry into squares. I cut down the 3 vertical marks that were already on the sheets. Then I cut each strip into 3 squares. Use the entire box for 18 blossoms. They are not perfectly square, but that’s ok! Take one of your squares and place 1 tablespoon of pie filling in the center. Don’t use more than that, or you will have a mess.

Pull all four corners up together and pinch 2 of the seams closed, but leave 2 vents open.  (I actually just gathered all four corners together and pinched them in the middle.  It worked)  Lay your cherry blossoms on a parchment lined baking sheet or silicone baking mat. If you don’t have parchment paper, grease your pan lightly.  (They WILL stick if you don’t spray the pan).

Brush the tops of the pastry with the beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake at 375 degrees F for 15-20 minutes until very golden.

Prepare the glaze while the blossoms are baking. Mix together the confectioner’s sugar, milk and vanilla. Stir until the consistency is as thick/thin as you like.

Once the blossoms have finished baking, glaze them while still warm.

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