Friday, May 25, 2012

Funnel Cake Sundaes

Allara was telling me one day that she was craving a funnel cake sundae from the fair.  So, next FHE I surprised her with homemade funnel cake sundaes.  She watched me making them and exclaimed "Mom!  I didn't know you knew how to make funnel cakes!"  I laughed and told her it was my first time.  They turned out great. This recipe was the perfect size for my family of 6.

If you aren't sure how to make a funnel cake sundae, then you make a funnel cake, put a scoop of ice cream on it and then drizzle strawberry syrup over the top.  (You could use chocolate, too, but we like strawberry for this.)

Also, the funnel was messy and hard to use.  I ended up just using a measuring cup with a little pour spout on the side.  Worked perfectly.
Prep Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 18 mins
  1. In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Beat egg, milk, and vanilla together in a separate bowl.
  3. Add milk mixture to dry ingredients beating until smooth.
  4. Fill 8" skillet with 1 inch oil and heat to 375 degrees.
  5. Cover funnel hole with finger and fill with about 1/4 cup of batter.
  6. Hold funnel over skillet and remove finger moving funnel around to form patterns with the batter.
  7. Fry until golden brown, about 1 or 2 minutes.
  8. Turn over with tongs and continue frying another minute or two or until both sides are brown.
  9. Remove from oil, drain on paper towels, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  10. Serve hot.

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