Friday, May 25, 2012

Fruity Trifle

Maureen Rane brought this over once when we invited them to dinner.  It is FABULOUS.  I love the lemon flavor.

Take an angel food cake and cut it into cubes.  Put half the cubes in a trifle dish.

On top off that put 2 sliced kiwis, 1/2 can of cubed pineapple (drained), and some fresh strawberries (lots cause I love them...  lol)

Heat up 1/4 cup of raspberry jam, and drizzle it over the cake/fruit

Then mix 1 can of lemon pie filling with 3 cups of whipped cream, and spread half of it over the cake/jam.

Rinse and repeat.  :)      Make sure you do the jam before the lemon pie filling layer.  I wasn't paying attention once and forgot it.  That layer was very dry without the jam.

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