Thursday, May 24, 2012


from Debora Gilmore


8 med. potatoes
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1 egg
3 cups of flour (this really depends on the consistency, it could be more flour or it could be less - we are looking for a not too hard and not too soft dough)

Cook the peeled potatoes and mash it (use the fine potato masher rather then the quick one - there can be no lumps). Add butter to the mashed potatoes and mix it with your hands. Let it cool. When cool add cheese and egg and mix with hands. Start to add flour and mix with hands until dough is not too soft or too hard. Roll into snake like strips and cut 11/2 cm little gnocchi pieces. Make sure they don't stick together so sprinkle flour to keep them dry. Boil a pot of water and then lower the temp to med. Put some gnocchis in and let them cook. They are cooked when they surface. Scoop them out and layer with spaghetti meat sauce in a casserole dish.

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