Thursday, May 24, 2012


--2 quarts apple cider
--1 cup pineapple juice
--1/2 cup honey
--3 sticks cinnamon
--2 whole cloves
--1 whole orange, cut in rings
I had *just* watched an Unwrapped episode where they explained the difference between cider and juice: you can't see through cider, because they use the whole apple. I headed to Safeway with that knowledge, and didn't find 1 bottle in the whole store labeled cider (other than the sparkling Martinellis), so I brought home a bottle of organic apple "juice" that I couldn't see through.

Put all of the ingredients into the crock pot.  Wash your orange well, and cut off each end. Slice the remaining orange into rings, and float the pieces on the top of the juice.

Cook on high for 2 hours, or on low for about 4. You want the juice completely hot, and the flavor of the cloves and the cinnamon to have permeated.

Ladle into mugs. If you are going to add the brandy, put a shot into each mug, then top with the hot cider.

If serving to guests, provide a ladle, and keep the crackpot lid off, and the pot turned to low. If on warm with the lid off, it won't stay quite hot enough.

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